Delayed, maybe going to be cancelled, Covid-ridden, the Tokyo Olympics did not have the best of build-ups.

We had to light a bit of a fire for customers to make the most of Sky’s rights, which included 12 channels of coverage. Research told us a key challenge was finding what you wanted to watch, not missing your favourite events. Leveraging the power of Sky’s marketing automation platform Salesforce Marketing Cloud, we offered customers the chance to opt-in to a daily update on the Tokyo Olympics, with previews, highlights, a daily calendar of events, and fun. Opt-ins were huge and open rates over the course of the Olympics averaging over 75% each day, proving the value of the activity.

TVNZ NZ Marketing Awards 2022
Sky TV
Best B to C Marketing Initiative

Sky TV: Olympic Armchair Experts

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Our award winning brand platform focused on building brand awareness and preference through engaging, relatable content. Fostering a community-driven approach to

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Bella Chaytor Waddy

Account Manager

Optaque ped et, quat. Cus accullaborro conesti dis et omnis cus cum quiandis deliquam volupiet lam, omnist pliquamus maximusci doluptatus eost, accus ea sanderit, ut ut fugitatem velibus voluptatusae ene maio beris del ius, optat aliquate nus estrunt.

Ehendes alia duciur alit explique dolore, con essim ipsae que sinim volupta teturerum aut volum aut.

Bella Chaytor Waddy

Account Director

Optaque ped et, quat. Cus accullaborro conesti dis et omnis cus cum quiandis deliquam volupiet lam, omnist pliquamus maximusci doluptatus eost, accus ea sanderit, ut ut fugitatem velibus voluptatusae ene maio beris del ius, optat aliquate nus estrunt.

Ehendes alia duciur alit explique dolore, con essim ipsae que sinim volupta teturerum aut volum aut.

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