When Sky needed to change satellites, we were challenged to make sure all customers could still receive a signal. This presented a significant churn risk for Sky, so we set about developing a fun and engaging way for customers to say hello to their new satellite.

We asked all customers to press 888 to check their signal and tell us their result – a task requiring a 100% response rate. To achieve this the idea had to be simple, engaging, yet actionable.

Hello Satellite brings ‘Satellite’ to life in a charming, flexible and authentically Sky way. Through all Sky channels, ‘Satellite’ invited customers to say “Hello” by going to channel 888. Her charm complemented the functional messaging, creating a perfect balance between engagement and action.

 This multi-channel, digitally-led campaign achieved outstanding results, successfully engaging Sky customers across New Zealand.

Sky TV: Hello Satellite

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Bella Chaytor Waddy

Account Manager

Optaque ped et, quat. Cus accullaborro conesti dis et omnis cus cum quiandis deliquam volupiet lam, omnist pliquamus maximusci doluptatus eost, accus ea sanderit, ut ut fugitatem velibus voluptatusae ene maio beris del ius, optat aliquate nus estrunt.

Ehendes alia duciur alit explique dolore, con essim ipsae que sinim volupta teturerum aut volum aut.

Bella Chaytor Waddy

Account Director

Optaque ped et, quat. Cus accullaborro conesti dis et omnis cus cum quiandis deliquam volupiet lam, omnist pliquamus maximusci doluptatus eost, accus ea sanderit, ut ut fugitatem velibus voluptatusae ene maio beris del ius, optat aliquate nus estrunt.

Ehendes alia duciur alit explique dolore, con essim ipsae que sinim volupta teturerum aut volum aut.

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